Sunday, March 15, 2009

You could win a FREE live butterfly garden for your class!

Kids World is sponsoring a coloring contest. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade may enter. You can pick up your coloring sheet at Kids World during normal business hours (Monday-Saturday from 10 am-6 pm).

GUIDELINES: Coloring sheets must be completed entirely by the student. No helping, Mom and Dad, except to help your student deliver their entries to Kids World NO LATER THAN Monday, April 27, 2009. One entry per student.

At least 20 entries must be received per category for that category to receive butterfly garden. If at least 20 entries are received per category, then one FREE live butterfly garden will be given to the winner's teacher, and a total of 3 live butterfly gardens will be given away: one for each category: K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.

Coloring can be done in any of the following mediums, or combination of the following mediums: crayon, colored pencil, paints, or markers.

Just for entering the coloring contest, you will receive a $2 off coupon for your OWN live butterfly garden to raise at home (one coupon per family). You can't lose! So, stop in today for your coloring sheets!

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